All product claims are of the manufacturer and supplier and not representative of the School Of BioNatural Medicine’s practitioners.

Disclaimer:- It should also add 'Some products listed on the site are purchasable on our partner website.



Help combat seasonal stress




Stress can weaken your immune system. But Manna-C capsules help support your body’s immune response with natural sources of vitamin C, so your health can be one less thing to worry about.

These capsules:

  • Includes classic Ambrotose complex, along with Wild Bush Plum and Acerola fruit extract, both natural sources of vitamin C.
  • Contain an herbal blend with a natural plant source of vitamin C for the maintenance of good health.


I’m allergic to aloe vera. Can I use products that contain Ambrotose complex?

Manna-C contains aloe vera gel. Individuals with allergies or sensitivities to any ingredients in our products should always consult their personal physician before use.

What are the sources of vitamin C in Manna-C capsules?

Our Manna-C caplets contain natural forms of vitamin C from acerola and wild bush plum—two fruits that are among nature’s richest sources of this vitamin.


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